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Annual General Meeting

April 14, 2023 @ 4:00 pm - 6:30 pm

2023 Notice of Annual General Meeting

Some of you might wonder why the AGM is called at this time of the year. The last one occurred in October 2022 which was only 6 months ago. At that meeting a discussion on the operational year had been happening. It was suggested to adjust our year to the calendar year, providing a better understanding for the Festival in September. Because we also have a charitable status a request has been addressed to the CRA and has been accepted. The next step was to call a new AGM to conform to the new regulations.

16:00 – The AGM will be preceded by a short concert featuring:

Jennifer Scott – piano/voice

Rene Worst – acoustic bass

note: this concert is only offered to NIJFA members

17:15 – 2023 AGM with the formal agenda according to our By-Laws:

The order of business at an annual general meeting is as follows:

  • elect the person who will chair the general meeting;
  • determine that there is quorum;
  • approve the agenda;
  • approve the minutes of the last general meeting;
  • receive the Director’s reports on the financial statement of the society or the previous financial year, and the auditor’s report, if any, on those statements;
  • receive other reports of Director’s activities and decisions since the previous annual general meeting;
  • elect the Directors; and
  • address new business, including any matters about which notice has been given to the members in the notice of the meeting.

Note : Directors whose 2 year mandates finish this year:

François Savard

James McRae

Michael Holliday

Helena Kreowska

At the end of the AGM, the new board members will convene to choose the new executive.


April 14, 2023
4:00 pm - 6:30 pm


Lobby at the Port theatre