Some of you might wonder why the AGM is called at this time of the year. The last one occurred in October 2022 which was only 6 months ago. At that meeting a discussion on the operational year had been happening. It was suggested to adjust our year to the calendar year, providing a better understanding for the Festival in September. Because we also have a charitable status a request has been addressed to the CRA and has been accepted. The next step was to call a new AGM to conform to the new regulations.
16:00 – The AGM will be preceded by a short concert featuring:
Jennifer Scott – piano/voice
Rene Worst – acoustic bass
note: this concert is only offered to NIJFA members
17:15 – 2023 AGM with the formal agenda according to our By-Laws:
The order of business at an annual general meeting is as follows:
Note : Directors whose 2 year mandates finish this year:
François Savard
James McRae
Michael Holliday
Helena Kreowska
At the end of the AGM, the new board members will convene to choose the new executive.